Martes, Mayo 12, 2015

Vacation Tips – What to do if Luggage is Lost

Travelling is really fun and exciting. There are so many things to discover in this world. There are always new things that you will encounter if you travel because every part of the Earth is unique and there is no doubt about it. However, there will be some events wherein you will be upset during your travel. One is, you might lose your luggage. So if this happens, what will you do? Here are some tips for you!
  • If you lost your luggage, don’t panic immediately. If it’s not stole, it is just there and really just lost. Most luggage that are lost (like 85% of the luggage) arefound just 48 hours after it was gone. So if you lost your luggage you can still wait for 2 days before it arrives. If it didn’t come this is where you can ask authorities for help.
  • If ever that your luggage really can’t be found, there is still hope! Some people make mistakes right? There are place for unclaimed luggage and you may go there. Find a bag with a tag that really looks like yours. Someone may have taken your luggage wrongly and instead of taking theirs, they took yours. So better visit these places and check every bag.
  • Even though you are told by an authority that your luggage will arrive sooner because it is in the next flight, you shouldn’t leave just easy as that. It is still their mistake and they should be the one to be responsible for it. So fill up a PIR or Property Irregularity Report and report the incident.
  • Do you know that you have some advantages when your luggage is gone? Yes you have! There is what you call “rights when luggage is delayed.” Read them so you will know what you will compensate if they lost or delayed your luggage. Sometimes they will provide you immediate supplies because of their mistakes. Other airlines will give you cash due to this! On the other hand, there are some airlines that will offer refund for some purchases so better keep all of the receipts you have.
  • On the previous tip, it is said that you will be compensated for the lost and you can refund the purchases you bought if your luggage is lost. However sometimes, not full amount is returned, especially if your bag is seen!This is why you should still limit your expenses for some essentials to avoid extra purchases.
  • What will happen if your luggage is really lost forever? Well it is very disappointing to lose your luggage right? But, the airlines should compensate for the lost! Within 7 days, they must give you the right amount of money for the lost and for the damages they committed.

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